Transcend Tutoring Limited is dedicated to making learning fun again! With fully customized tutoring and mentorship programs, we work with students to identify the problem and inspire them to learn through online and in-person tutoring. All ages welcome!
We understand that each student has a different learning style. Our tutors customize their lesson plans to ensure that students reach their education goals!
Qualified tutors
All of our tutors hold university degrees or are in the process of obtaining one.
Affordable Pricing
At Transcend Tutoring Limited, we believe that every student deserves a quality education. Contact us today for a free quote.
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"Ms. Priya is very calm and doesn't mind repeating things for her, explaining things at her level”
“Lisa is very patient and explains things clearly. Thanks for making learning fun again!”
Jasmina, Grade 12 Math
“The tutors understand that there are many styles of learning and explained things in a way that made sense”